Back to School Routines

Back to School Routines
Back to School Routines

Back to School Routines – Beat the Chaos!

Time to get back to school! This marks one of the biggest transitions in a kiddo’s year, and can cause some SERIOUS chaos. But we know what to do with chaos, don’t we?


As we talked about at the end of last school year, building in consistencies between school and summer routines is the smoothest way to bridge that transition. However, we all know that even if you start summer with a solid schedule, there’s very little chance it’ll hold through to the end. So weed need a new one!

Introducing Back to School Routines

First, let’s tackle those dreaded mornings! Go ahead and establish a wake up time and morning routine. Allow the wake up time to be a little later than school would be. The kids will thank you for it (whether they actually say so or not).

The morning routine is a little sneaky. Let them take some time getting dressed, eating, etc. We’re not imitating the school year’s morning rush- we’re allowing them to get efficient! Over the weeks leading up to fall semester, they’ll get practiced again, and maybe even find enough of a groove that we can rid ourselves of the rush ENTIRELY!

Additionally, we want to add some structure. Set a lunch time! Build in some learning time, outside play (especially if their school does recess), and even bathroom times! Remember that they’re going into an incredibly structured environment. Build them to similar, but without the same stress and rigor. You can let school be the bad guy this time!

Finally bed time. The biggest monster in the night. Simply put, keep it fun but early! Sleep is vital to making all of this work, and so is enjoyment. We know all too well how little a cranky kiddo cares about a routine, as much as they may need it.

There are plenty of other aids in smoothing out this transition, but none so effective as prepping young brains and bodies nice and early. Take it from us here at Crossing Bridges: gradual routine shift can provide a beautiful launching point for your kids’ mental health through the school year, and likely save yours along the way!

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