Cranky Teens

Cranky Teens

Cranky Teens For a large population in San Antonio, many are dealing with the dreaded “cranky teens”. We get it and it’s common. After the Summer, who wants to go back to school? Especially the closer you get to graduation! So what can you do to help that teen feel a bit less cranky? We’ve… Continue reading Cranky Teens

Back to School Routines

Back to School Routines

Back to School Routines – Beat the Chaos! Time to get back to school! This marks one of the biggest transitions in a kiddo’s year, and can cause some SERIOUS chaos. But we know what to do with chaos, don’t we? PLAN FOR IT! As we talked about at the end of last school year,… Continue reading Back to School Routines

Talking About School Shootings

Talking About School Shootings

Talking About School Shootings Talking about school shootings with your child is probably the last thing you thought you would have to do as a parent. Sadly, the discussion is a reality in America. So how do you do it in a manner that will be productive? We’ve got a few tips for you. First,… Continue reading Talking About School Shootings

Have a Healthy Summer Season

Have a Healthy Summer Season

Have a Healthy Summer Season Looking for tips on how to have a healthy summer season with your kids? Well, you’ve come to the right place! There’s so much you can do as a parent or guardian to encourage a healthy lifestyle, especially in the summer. Here, we’ll take a look at a couple of… Continue reading Have a Healthy Summer Season

Building Trust in Blended Families

Building Trust in Blended Families

Building Trust in Newly Blended Families Building trust is a necessary part of a smooth transition for newly blended families! Should we expect everything to be smiles and rainbows right from the start? Of course not! Our energy should go into building a solid foundation. We need to know we can trust someone before getting… Continue reading Building Trust in Blended Families

Divorce and Children

Divorce and Children, San Antonio Counseling at Crossing Bridges Counseling

Divorce and Children Divorce and Children. A combination not to be taken lightly, but not always avoidable. As parents, we need to be prepared to walk our kids through all manner of situations, and that includes difficult topics such as divorce. Let’s take a look at the things to keep in mind when presenting this… Continue reading Divorce and Children

The Benefits of Counseling for Kids

The Benefits of Counseling for Kids

The Benefits of Counseling for Kids (Pt. 2) The benefits of counseling for kids, as we discussed last month, are HUGE! In our last blog, we spoke mostly about the long-term emotionally regulatory benefits. It certainly doesn’t end there though! One of the most immediate ways counseling can be helpful to children is by helping… Continue reading The Benefits of Counseling for Kids

The Benefits of Counseling for Children

The Benefits of Counseling for Children

The Benefits of Counseling for Children (Pt. 1) You simply cannot overstate the benefits of counseling. Young brains are incredibly malleable- we see this in nearly every facet of their lives. While we all know the learning never stops, we also know that the vast majority of adults don’t learn at the rate they did… Continue reading The Benefits of Counseling for Children

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